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                Product center > Infusion & Injection Series > Disposable precision infusion set

                Disposable precision infusion set

                Disposable precision infusion set


                1.Application:apply to gravity infusion;

                2.Materials: Made of medical grade high elastic material,soft and anti-crush;

                3.Suitable for infusion bottle or infusion bag;

                4.Tip:Luer slip or Luer lock;

                5.Flow regulator: humanization design,fluency,precise,comfortable;

                6.Sterile: By EO gas, Non-Toxic, Non-Pyrogenic

                7.Certificate: CE and ISO13485


                Product advantages:

                1.Precision filter: Precision filter can filter diameter 5μm insoluble particles, the filtering efficiency is 95%, when the solution arrive the filter, the insoluble particles trapped, to stop them enter into blood and harm human body.

                2.Auto stop liquid: When infusion is finished, the solution below the filter can auto stop, delay blood return, to ensure patients really feel at ease, reduce the work pressure of nurses.

                3.Auto vent: The gas through the filter can be automatically discharged through the filter to prevent gas from entering into patient’s blood vessels, reduce the traditional exhaust operation.