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                Disposable anesthesia circuit

                Product center > Respiration & Anesthesia Series > Disposable anesthesia circuit

                Disposable anesthesia circuit

                Disposable anesthesia circuit


                Style: Corrugated tube and Expandable tube.

                HO-M01: Adult, corrugated tube, single
                HO-M02: Adult, corrugated tube, set (with breathing bag, Bacterial filter, anesthesia mask)
                HO-M03: Adult, expandable tube, single
                HO-M04: Adult, expandable tube, set (with breathing bag, Bacterial filter, anesthesia mask)
                HO-M05: Child, corrugated tube, single
                HO-M06: Child,  corrugated tube, set (with breathing bag, Bacterial filter, anesthesia mask)
                HO-M07: Child, expandable tube, single
                HO-M08: Child, expandable tube, set (with breathing bag, Bacterial filter, anesthesia mask)

                Tube length: 1.2m, 1.6m, 1.8m or customized


                Produce advantages

                Made of medical grade polymer material, non-toxic and non stimulation

                Connector accord with ISO standard, much with all Anesthesia & Breathing machines, secure connection, reliably sealing

                L style connector with temperature and pressure monitoring port, convenient to sampling and monitor

                Single use and avoid cross infection

                Can fold or extend to control the length, easy for use, and convenient doctors to operate



                Mask, Bacterial filter, Breathing bag